Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I've been ROBBED!!

I woke up this morning to find that I had been robbed! Or, more accurately burglarized. No, not my house, but my freakin' blog!

I was bloglarized!

On November 15, 2007, I wrote a blog called "Your food is not a Toy." It was so well-received by my readers that some that my idea was stolen to make a commercial:

Are you kidding me!? This was my idea! Well, at least the part about food being a toy (not the part where your food's looks like someone ate garbage and puked it onto a bun; Wendy's can take credit for that).

Right now, some ad wizard is getting pleasured in his BMW by some high-priced prostitute for his "creativity."

I applaud the kind of effort these guys put into stealing others' ideas.

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