Monday, November 19, 2007

Band Review - Daylight Dies

Name: Daylight Dies
Label: Relapse
Genre: Death Metal, Ambient Metal

Daylight Dies, a brutally dismal and melancholy band from Raleigh, NC. Sounds like they hail from somewhere between Finland and Sweden, where there's more wolves than people, and the sun seldom gets above the tree line.

Dismantling Devotion is one of my favorite albums of all time. They're not the most technical band I've ever heard, but when it comes to this kind of music that is sometimes a good thing. I think when an album is overproduced it gets a synthetic feel to it. In some albums like this one, there is a sense of emotion in the music, more so than in perfect production.

Anyway - here is a recent bulletin announcement from them:

"We're pleased to announce that all songs for our third album have been written. This includes eight songs that add up to roughly 50 minutes in length. This is certainly our most varied and dynamic effort, with simultaneously our meanest and our most fragile songs to date. We're especially proud of this album, as it's certainly our best. As stated previously, the material is a mix of beautiful melancholic leads and harsh dissonant rhythms; despair driven hooks and the overall dark atmosphere you've come to expect. We're still refining lyrics, but two song titles will be "The Morning Light" and "Cathedral". We'll divulge more titles, including the album title in the near future. We enter the studio in a bit under 3 weeks."

If you have recently fallen victim to "popmusicitis," your best bet for salvation is to listen to Dismantling Devotion 12 times in a row after apologizing to your mother for all the headaches you cause growing up.

Go here to check them out, with some album clips.

Pick up their old album, for the sake of your sanity. I think it's even covered by most HMO's.

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