Tuesday, January 8, 2008

"The better to eat your greasy burger with!"

o a man is asked to leave a bar because he has gold teeth and the hilarity ensues.

Watch it here
[don't worry, it's quick]

I can empathize with this guy, not because he has a First Amendment right to wear gold teeth in someone else's restaurant. It's not that he's being discriminated against (maybe he his, I dunno).

It's because this dress code that the restaurant is trying to uphold evidently consists of a tight-fitting pastel-green t-shirt and a beergut.

According to the bartender, the owners of the bar "don't want people making a statement with their dress when they come [to the establishment]."

Indeed, you would rather make the statement before the bar opens: "The grease in our burgers is matched only by the oily tendrils of my Billy Ray Cyrus mop."

And what kind of statement does the dress code actually make at Roxy's Pub?

See for yourself

Loud and clear, Cooter.

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